Practical Mindset Tools to Unlock Freedom and Confidence

The Enlifted Method transforms raw thoughts into powerful, workable intentions ready for action.


Movement, Mindset and Breath Coach

“Enlifted leveled up my coaching game by giving me more tools to help my students own their self-talk, breath and write their own stories.

Like all Enlifted coaches I first earned these tools by doing the work in level one, picking up a pen and becoming the author of my own story. We call it magic because we are accurate with our language.”

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Women’s Transformational Coach

“Enlifted fast-tracked my self development journey and business more than any other program I have taken.

It gave me the tools to empower myself to both think differently and get out of my comfort zone, and because of that I have been able to manifest my far out goals into reality.

I truly believe I am a world class coach thanks to Enlifted.

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Host of Building Men Podcast

“The Enlifted Coaching Certification has taken me from feeling like I was a spectator in the stands to understanding that I am the hero of my coaching journey.

Working with the Enlifted Team has transformed the way I speak to myself and the way I lead clients to speak to themselves using strong architect language.”

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Occupational Therapist & Nutrition Coach

My Enlifted certification ensures my clients get quick results and are very happy with their transformation- inside & out.

Now I utilize my coaching sessions to teach mindset and unlock specific stories that are holding my clients back from their goals, rather than getting lost in the details of their programs."

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Gym Owner & CrossFit Coach

“One of my greatest frustrations as a fitness professional has been coaching clients to great results only to see them fall back into old stories and lose their hard-earned progress.

As an Enlifted coach, I have a process to help clients overcome those old stories, show up as a hero, and finally keep their results."

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Holistic Maternal Wellness Coach
“I once believed I was helpless to help myself and others. Enlifted DEMOLISHED that trash talk and empowered me to step into my coaching role supporting mothers and women in the most impactful way possible.”
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    Meets Practical


    | ˈpraktək(ə)l |

    of or concerned with the actual doing or use of something rather than with theory and ideas

    The Enlifted Method expands on the concepts of positive attitude and growth mindset by distilling big ideas into a simple process that gets you implementing new ways of thinking immediately. You’ll be more positive AND you’ll have a practiced method for staying that way in any situation.

    Clients Are Getting
    Results with The Enlifted Method

    "Since starting Enlifted I am now approaching each day with a construction mindset as opposed to a reactors mindset.   I have coached several people who were positively affected by the outcome of their story translation.  This is very rewarding to me."

    –Shawn Burnah, Veteran’s Coach
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    “I will sum it up...(I went) from CPTSD to empowered in every aspect of my life in less than a year with lasting benefits that continue to get better. Oh, and my clients are getting results in record time.”

    –Yvonne Déesse, Language Coach
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    "The Enlifted Method has helped me with my confidence as a coach and better understand my clients’ needs."

    –Morgan Salas, Krav Maga Coach / Center Manager
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    "My clients are shocked at how much better they feel. Enlifted certifications are worth the price and more.
    They are fun and empowering. You will have all of the tools that you want to run your coaching business. If you are passionate about truly helping people take their own power back, this is the place and these are your people!"

    –Kaitlyn Mika, Language and Identity Coach
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      Clients Are Getting
      Results with The Enlifted Method



      Sport Coach
      “I have spent $20k on coaching programs and certifications, Enlifted has given me the highest return on my investment and the most tangible tools to help my clients.”
      -Life Coach and Public Speaker
      Get certified


      Love & Relationship Coach

      “Becoming an Enlifted Certified Coach has helped me tremendously to better support my clients.

      By making subtle yet powerful changes in their language, we completely shift their relationships.

      I support them in rewriting the stories that have shaped their sex & love lives from ones of guilt, shame, and embarrassment, to ones that are empowering, and filled with pleasure and excitment.”

      -Sex, Love and Relationshop Coach
      Get certified


      Sport Coach
      “I have spent $20k on coaching programs and certifications, Enlifted has given me the highest return on my investment and the most tangible tools to help my clients.”
      -Life Coach and Public Speaker
      Get certified


      Love & Relationship Coach

      “Becoming an Enlifted Certified Coach has helped me tremendously to better support my clients.

      By making subtle yet powerful changes in their language, we completely shift their relationships.

      I support them in rewriting the stories that have shaped their sex & love lives from ones of guilt, shame, and embarrassment, to ones that are empowering, and filled with pleasure and excitment.”

      -Sex, Love and Relationshop Coach
      Get certified


      Sport Coach
      “I have spent $20k on coaching programs and certifications, Enlifted has given me the highest return on my investment and the most tangible tools to help my clients.”
      -Life Coach and Public Speaker
      Get certified


      Love & Relationship Coach

      “Becoming an Enlifted Certified Coach has helped me tremendously to better support my clients.

      By making subtle yet powerful changes in their language, we completely shift their relationships.

      I support them in rewriting the stories that have shaped their sex & love lives from ones of guilt, shame, and embarrassment, to ones that are empowering, and filled with pleasure and excitment.”

      -Sex, Love and Relationshop Coach
      Get certified

        How It Works

        The Enlifted Method focuses on the dynamic combination of the words we use, the stories we tell ourselves, and how we breathe.


        We map our understanding of the world with our words. Choosing the wrong words to build a thought or a feeling can lead to confusion and conflict. The Enlifted Method begins with an understanding of how simple word choice can make massive impact on how we think and feel.


        We all have stories about our lives. Relationship stories, money stories, health and fitness stories. The Enlifted Method looks at many of these “first drafts” and aims to craft richer, more productive ways to interpret our lives.


        The way we breathe when we experience certain thoughts can tell us a lot about our feelings around the subject. Opening up the breath allows us to process old ideas about ourselves and the world around us. The Enlifted Method utilizes breathing mechanics to help interrupt thought patterns and create relaxed states conducive for growth.

        Use Cases

        Enlifted Clients, Certified Coaches, and Leaders have utilized the Method most commonly in the following ways:

        Clients Are Getting
        Results with The Enlifted Method



        Fitness Coach

        “My business has nearly 3x’d since I completed the Enlifted Certification, and more opportunities that are in alignment with my mission are coming forward.

        It’s been super cool to evolve my offerings and develop online programs with elements of The Enlifted Method built in.”

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        Yoga & Meditation Teacher

        "As a facilitator, coach, and yoga teacher I was seeking a tool to make a huge positive impact in my circles. The Enlifted Method helped me revolutionize my own life, and is a simple and incredibly effective tool that continues to take my work to new levels.

        It’s a gift that keeps on giving. And, I’m the gift that keeps on giving. Massive gratitude to the Enlifted coaches community, my friends, my tribe. Very excited to see the continued evolution of this system."

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        Life Coach

        "Enlifted has completely transformed my coaching game!

        Upon working through the Level 1 & 2 certifications - along with the ongoing support of the enlifted community - I have all the confidence in myself & my skill set."

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        Joy Davis

        Teacher & Children’s Book Author

        Enlifted transformed my teaching. Once I learned The Enlifted Method, my breathing improved, I was able to create boundaries for myself, and I was having a lot more fun in the classroom with all the messy stories out of my way.

        I was also able to take what I learned and use it with the five year olds in my class. We had so much more fun and ease when I applied The Enlifted Method to my teaching. My students were able to take what they were learning in the classroom and teach it to their parents.”

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          The 1% Upgrade:
          Our Guiding Mission

          Our mission is to reduce the amount of unnecessary, self-inflicted misery and suffering in the world by 1%.

          By turning one misunderstanding into an understanding, one confused idea into a crystal clear one, we aim to unshackle a generation of leaders, coaches and clients to pursue their lives with freedom and confidence.

          We are committed to the mission of building better lives and better humans one word at a time.

          Learn the
          Enlifted Essentials

          Join Enlifted head coach Mark England and podcast host Kimberly Kesting as they discuss the core components of the Enlifted Method in a series of bite-sized episodes that will change how you think about coaching forever.